Going for the Gold!
That is the aim and aspiration of the vast company of athletes who assemble every four years from all over the world to take part in the Olympic Games. For them, to stand on the winner's podium, be hailed as a hero, with the strains of their home country's national anthem ringing in their ears, emotion etched on their tear stained faces, would make all the sacrifice and strenuous effort worthwhile.
You know, the Christian life is no different. Paul sees it as a race! It is not a 100 yard dash. It is a marathon cross-country. Of necessity, we are to abandon our own selfish ambitions so that we may wholeheartedly pursue the goal that is set before us. Nothing must hinder or hamper our steady progress. It is not a spectator sport but one of active participation by all. Down the straight, round the bend, over the hurdle, in the final analysis, consistency is what really matters.
There will be frustration as we strive to attain spiritual fitness. Many tears may be shed as we county the cost of getting rid of the excess baggage. The pain barrier must be broken if we are to keep on going. But, even though we may not all be winners by nature, with the spiritual instincts of the new man reigning within, we can conquer all and cross the finishing line in triumph.
Awaiting us is Christ, the One who has gone on before. No greater incentive can be given; no other motivation should be required. That's why we pull out all the stops, with every fibre of our being, stretching all the sinews, as we keep the end in view. What an exhilarating prospect.
Let's go for the gold...and go for God!
This was Paul's thinking. It was his game plan. And, he stuck rigidly to it. Like him, we want to be there at the end. Paul shows us how to do it in Philippians 3:12-16. He leaves us a few tips that are designed to enhance our performance in the race ahead:
Be realistic - know where you are at
Be single minded - learn the art of concentration
Be forward looking - resist the temptation to look back
Be a plodder - don't be a dropout on the last lap
Be sensible - know the rules and stick to them
Be single minded - learn the art of concentration
Be forward looking - resist the temptation to look back
Be a plodder - don't be a dropout on the last lap
Be sensible - know the rules and stick to them
Winning moves. Yes! Absorb them and get yourself down to the track!
Author: Sam Gordon
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-> Tell me about "Go for the Gold"
-> Tell me about "Go for the Gold"
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