Friday, January 20, 2012

Youth Leadership Lessons: Has Christmas lost it's meaning?

What is Christmas to you?
Is Christmas all about shopping, waiting in line, going in debt, gaining weight, visiting relatives, and holiday music and Christmas parties?

Apparently a lot of American's associate those things with Christmas and aren't too merry about it. In fact it seems that most American's have something about Christmas they they dread. Here are some survey findings commisioned by Consumer Reports Magazine:

  • 28 percent hate shopping for gifts - (68 percent worry about having to wait in line to buy them, and 37 percent "abhor" getting in debt over it)
  • 37 percent worry about gaining weight
  • 24 percent aren't looking forward to seeing relatives
  • 23 percent hate the seasonal music
  • 16 percent hate going to holiday parties

(Source: RC/Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

This should remind us that during the Christmas Season, we need to make sure the whole world knows the real "Reason for the Season" That a Savior has come.

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