Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New eBook published with 52 of the world's most popular icebreakers!

Singapore – August 29, 2007 – A new eBook, found at, not only provides 52 of the most popular group icebreaker activities, but also includes lesson ideas and questions to smoothly transition into discussions about issues common to most groups.

There are a lot of icebreaker books on the market, but this one is DIFFERENT!

The book was written in response to common complaints heard in team meetings, training events, youth meetings, and other venues where icebreakers are often used with participants. "Why do we have to endure meaningless icebreakers? We've played this so many times before! They’re just for fun and that’s it. They don’t teach anything or have any deeper meaning!"

The authors respond: "We’ve seen those icebreakers in books too. They have the title, they list the materials needed, the duration of the game, and the instructions BUT… they have no application. Icebreakers are supposed to be great lead-ins to the topic you want to teach or discuss aren’t they? So why do these other icebreaker books leave you hanging? That’s what we wondered also. That’s why every one of our icebreakers come with discussion questions and applications for you to take the activity "to the next level.""

The application for each icebreaker is generic enough that you can use it in any setting, not just for a youth group, but also for company events, training, and other types of get togethers. They flow right into discussions that touch on universal issues that youth and adults around the world face. Topics include: attitudes, diversity, personality, change, dreams, priorities, character, emotions, purpose, communication, friendship, relationships, conflict management, goals, responsibility, courage, identity, teamwork, decision making, leadership, values, discipline, perseverance, vision, AND MANY MORE!

There are a lot of benefits to having a collection of proven icebreakers for use with a group. Icebreakers are a great way to set the tone for any class or meeting. With icebreakers you automatically encourage and increase classroom participation. They are also great motivators! Icebreakers work to create a more relaxed learning environment. They are great energizers - sometimes it is just a good idea to shake things up a bit, especially in the middle of the meeting when feet begin to tap, pencils begin to doodle, and eyelids begin to droop. Of course, as previously mentioned, icebreakers can be great topic lead-ins to discussions that help to identify group and individual goals and objectives. They also help bring groups toward meaningful interaction and group building.

The writers, Ken Sapp and Joshua Goh, are veteran youth workers with more than 30 years of experience in working with youth. Ken also leads workshops in a "personal development" focused e-learning company and is often involved with facilitating training events with adults. Both authors know what it is like to spend tons of time and cash on group resources that simply don’t cut it. It was because of this difficulty of finding great resources that they began to compile a list of the most popular icebreakers they had discovered while working with groups from many different cultures around the world.

They have organized a ton of youth events from large scale to small group settings and collected the icebreakers that the youth WANTED and ASKED to play. "We didn’t just pick these icebreakers out of someone else’s book or pull them off websites. We’ve personally used, tweaked and perfected each and every one of these icebreakers! What's more, our youth love them too."

Not all the icebreakers are 100% original, BUT all of them have been modified through their many years of experience and feedback from youth groups they have led around the world. You’ll find they’ve also included with the icebreakers a list of variations so that you can use an icebreaker your group has played before but add the variation to give it a new twist. The possibilities are endless!

These icebreakers can be used, not only for youth groups, but for schools, company meetings, family gatherings, community events, and social clubs. Try these icebreakers out for parties, on company retreats, family get-togethers, the first day of school, high school reunions, team building events, and more! Whatever the occasion, you'll probably find an icebreaker in here appropriate to it. Included are icebreaker games, get to know you questions, icebreaker discussion questions, energizers, and wacky activities from mild to wild! Simplify them and these icebreakers are great for children. Add a little depth and they are a delight to the most sophisticated adults!

For more information on "Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level" visit

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