Monday, March 12, 2007

Are your Icebreakers a SNORE?

In group activities, icebreakers are those fun, energizing activities, which allow the participants in the group to get to know each other. They can also be used to introduce a topic, to facilitate teamwork, to get people engaged in a program, to loosen them up to start sharing feelings and ideas, or simply just for fun!

Learn how you can avoid the SNOREs of boredom in your next icebreaker!

Click the link to read the full article: Icebreakers

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Easter Ideas

Looking for some Creative Easter Ideas for the youth you are working with, the children you teach, or even your own children.

On my main website ( you can find Easter themed Children’s Sermons and Object Lessons, Creative Teaching Ideas for Easter, Easter Devotionals, Easter Drama Ideas, Ideas for Evangelism events and activities, and Easter themed Game and Icebreaker Ideas, and jokes and illustrations to add sparkle to your youth talks.

In fact there are over 1200 FREE ideas for various themes and events in addition to the Easter Ideas.

But you don't have to go searching through all 1200 ideas to find those Easter gems. Alternatively, you can buy the Easter Collection e-Book. Its available for a limited time only at only US$9.99! Click here to find out more.

With YOUth on my Heart